~The Barkers~

Aubrey, Marci, Leila, Lexi, & Liz

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Again, I've found something fun to do on my blog from someone else's. Enjoy!

1. the most recent picture of yourself.

2. A picture you took to prove your innocence!

3. A picture you photo shopped.

4. A picture you took on your cell phone.

5. A picture of a wound you received.

6.A childhood memory.

7. Something that you have way too many of but still wouldn't mind having more!

8. A photo of you that was professionally taken.

9.A picture of a haircut you hated!

10.A photo of a haircut you loved!

11.A picture of you and someone you love.

12.A picture of your feet!

13.A room in your home.

14.A picture of the happiest moment you've had up to date.

15.A picture taken on a vacation you will never forget.

16.A picture taken before everything was about to change.

17.Something that makes you laugh but not everyone would understand.

18.A picture of something adorable!

19. A picture of you & your best friend.

20.A picture you like and have no idea why!

If you read this, consider yourself tagged and do it on your own blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was fun Marci! Yeah for your new addition!