~The Barkers~

Aubrey, Marci, Leila, Lexi, & Liz

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lexi Afsar Barker

May 23rd, 2010
6:46 a.m.
7 Pounds 1 Ounce
20 Inches

So I was wrong about going past my due date but I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Lexi is finally here and she is such a joy. I thought it would be harder to take care of two girls but it hasn't been that bad. Lexi was constantly kicking me inside the womb but she is pretty laid back and her sleeping schedule isn't too bad either.

Saturday night Aubrey and I watched a movie, ate some popcorn, and then I took a shower. After the shower I mentioned to Aubrey that I felt different. I could feel a different kind of pressure. He joking told me, "She's crowning." So we went to bed about 12:30. At 1 o'clock I felt a contraction. For the first time I felt something that hurt me. With Leila I never really had a good idea of what "labor" felt like because I was induced. So my doctor told me to come to the hospital when my contractions were 5 minutes apart. Well for 3.5 hours. They were all 6 minutes apart.
I called my mom to see what she would say. I didn't know if they would send me home or not. Like I said I didn't really know what labor was like. Well, after multiple calls to 7 different phone numbers at the parents house with no answer anywhere I was still debating on going to the hospital or not. Plus we needed someone to come to our house while Leila was still sleeping. I couldn't sleep and Aubrey was getting kind of worried. I decided we needed to go to the hospital. Aubrey called his dad who works at night to come over when he finished up his work. Dan (dad) happened to get finished earlier than usual.
Aubrey got some stuff together (minus the video camera. Dang it) and we waited for Dan to get there. By this time (4:45) I was out of bed putting clothes on and I had to just freeze every time a contraction came on. I had my phone in hand still checking the intervals. Dan arrived and I got into the car when I could. Now the contractions were 3 minutes apart. They were painful. I can't really describe it but I was really glad to feel what I did. It was new to me and I was glad to know that the baby would be here soon.
In the first room they put me in, the nurse checked me in and asked me some questions. She said she knew I was going to have the baby soon just by looking at me. She checked me and told me I was a 6! This was good news and also surprising. Aubrey told me that my first doctor (with Leila) said contractions needed to be 4-6 minutes apart to come to the hospital. That would have been good news about 4 hours ago. Anyway the nurse gave me an IV (the worst part) and sent me to a delivery room. They called my doctor to come in. The anesthesiologist came in saying how busy it was that morning and that me and 4 other moms must have planned to have the babies all the same day.
Lucky for me, I got the last of the drugs (epidural) that the doctor had. Getting the epidural was nice but sometimes I think I could have done with out it. The delivery was real short (read on). The epidural was in at 5:50 ish and I was still just waiting for my doctor. I was at a 10 by now. Lexi was right there then finally my water broke. Shortly after, my doctor walked in, talked for a sec then went to change his clothes. When he came back and was ready he said, "push". Lexi started coming and so my doctor was sort of surprised so he finished putting his gloves on quickly.
After only 3 minutes of pushing Lexi was here. Yes, only 3 minutes. I couldn't really believe it either. With Leila I pushed for 20 mintues but 3? I was my mom's quickest delivery and labor of 3 minutes but I was her 6th baby. This is only my second. So hopefully the future only brings shorter labors. hahaha. It felt so nice to have Lexi in my arms. She was born and I got to have her. Leila was taken to the NICU And it was days before I got to hold her.
Lexi is such a good baby and the nurses and CNAs did such a good job at taking care of us. I delivered Leila at Ogden Regional and Lexi at McKay Dee so the experience was completely different than I expected but it was perfect. We are glad to be home and healthy. I am a mother of 2 and loving it. Leila loves Lexi and things are going well.
Aubrey and I are so blessed to have the life we do. I don't know what I would do without Aubrey. He is the best husband and dad in the world. He supports me in what I want to do and never hesitates to do what is right. His testimony has always been so strong and it shows. Leila and Lexi are lucky to have him. I know that he loves them and will do anything for them.
Experiences like this help us to realize how much our Father in Heaven loves us. He loves us enough to let us experience parenthood and the chance to feel what He feels for us. I truly learned what it feels like to love someone one with all of my heart when I became a mother. Having two children only doubled those feelings. Knowing that they are mine and Aubrey's forever through the sealing power is AMAZING!
This also goes to show what happens when we keep the commandments and choose to follow the prophets words. Aubrey and I decided early on in our realtionship that we were going to be parents and fast. My dad always told me when talking about having children, "Always put the Lord first and he will put you first." I truly know that because of the choices I have made to put the Lord first, things in my life are easier and He's put me first. I have always known the importance of having children and not postponing one of the biggest commandments given to us. Everyday through the experiences of motherhood I am reminded of the blessings. Leila and Lexi


Erin said...

Congrats! You are a lucky mommy! Not all deliveries are that smooth :) Isn't it amazing how big baby #2 makes baby #1 look?!?!?! Your girls will be best friends - the pictures of the two of them are already so sweet.

Fausett Family said...

She is so beautiful!! Congrats!!

Sara :-) said...

She's beautiful Marci!!! Congrats!

Marc and Shay said...

Marci - that's so exciting - congratulations! I know I haven't seen you forever, but I loved reading your testimony and seeing that you love being a mom. We came from great blood that taught us to cherish family. I agree, we are very blessed. I am so happy for you and your new little one.
Love Shaylyn (your cousin :))

AmyPoll said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. She is beautiful!!! Your girls will be so grateful for your beautifully written birth story and testimony when they get older. my mom did that for me and I love it to this day. Congrats again!!!

Brittany said...

Congrats Marci!! Two adorable girls!

Sara Waldron said...

I'm glad everything went well. She looks beautiful and I love the pictures with Leila- I'm sure they will be great friends as they grow up. You're such a cute little family.