~The Barkers~

Aubrey, Marci, Leila, Lexi, & Liz

Monday, March 1, 2010


I have two cavities! Sucky!

So our dog is gone, it was nice to have him but not nice to worry about something being chewed up when we came home. So we found a good person off KSL to take him. The lady had another lab that needed a friend so it's a win win situation. Except for the fact in damages from the dog we suffered. Oh well. I let Aubrey get a dog cause he really wanted one so.... Maybe we'll get another one later. Either a smaller one or an older one.

So I'm approaching 28 weeks and ready to shake this cold I've had since the beginning of Fabruary. Luckily spring break is coming and I'll get a break from school. I wish I could go to Arizona with Jenny and Kristina but I will spend my spring break getting ready for a bridal shower for Carlee, Trevor's fiance. Yes...... Trevor's fiance! I am so excited for the two. The big day is March 26th at the Salt Lake Temple! Did I mention I am so excited!? I want to see what those little babies look like. hahaha

So I always forget to put up pictures so I will put some random ones up now. I got a video camera for christmas so I've had to figure all that jazz out.

The best picture taken in 2009!

Leila with the nice- not scary Santa.

This picture is dedicated to my lover Aubrey. I LOVES dingy cats. Our new camera does a really good zoom so whatever chance we get we record these wild dingy cats. These cats were sitting on the top of the truck in our driveway and I was standing in the family room. Pretty cool and random so I posted it. (There are 3 cats in this picture.)

This picture is proof that Leila does not get her eye color from me. But I'm just fine with that, look at those eyes. My beautiful PERSIAN girl.

1 comment:

Kris said...

she is very cute!