Wow September has really flown by. I thought school was going to make time slow down. Well Lexi is now 4 months old and Leila had her 2nd birthday this month. This post will make up for all the posts I've added without pictures.
Here is Lexi. She smiles all the time and is such a lovely baby. She is very low maintenance just like Leila was and it's a hug blessing. She also sucks her thumb which is good during the night. I'm not sure when I should stop her but right now we are both enjoying it.
This is Aubrey outside of the Mount Timpanogos Temple. We were there for a friend's sealing and got to hear Joseph F McKonkie seal the couple it was very good and I am happy to announce that we got to sit on the front row for the sealing because we are full tithe payers (jk it was a joke the sealer gave).
Next, We bought a truck with some insurance money (more on that later, notice our carport is not up any more). Aubrey really wanted a truck and we've needed one for all the projects we've been working on so we kept checking ksl and found this beauty. It's in very good condition. It's a 96 Chevy silverado with 107k miles on it. I'm trying to convince Aubrey to let me put a transformers decal on it. That would be sick!!!
Then we had Leila's second birthday. It was a lot of fun and yes I did go over board on the cake. I made 72 cupcakes for this baby. Other kids do like TV characters and stuff but Leila doens't know any of them so I replicated her favorite "Pinky Bear." We had a ton left over after her party but I took them to school the next day and they were put to good use.
These are all pictures of family members that came to Leila's party. Sorry I left some of you out due to lack of pictures or the quality of the pictures. This is my mom, Lexi and my Favorite Aunt Teresa.
This is Grandpa Barker, Uncle Ali, and Lexi. See any family resemblance?
Leila and uncle Alex.
Leila and Aunt Shellie.
Almost my favorite picture on this post. Leila with her cousins Logan and Anna or Doku and Annnaa as Leila calls them.
Princess Leila decked out in some bling that Anna gave her. Thanks Anna!
Uncle Andrew and Aunt Karlee with Leila.
Aunt Carlee and Uncle Trevor with Leila.
These are just some shots from this month.
Lexi and Grandpa Barker. Again any resemblance? Some say she looks just like him.
My baby girls!!!!! Love them!!!!!!
Yes this is Leila sleeping. hahah Weird I know.
Hope you enjoyed this post it took me forever to put all these pictures on!
Also check out my other blog here.
I love posts with lots of pictures- your girls are just so cute! And congrats on the new truck. Now Aubrey will definitely being getting called and asked to help for every move or project in the ward. Have fun with that! ;)
I love posts with lots of pictures- your girls are just so cute! And congrats on the new truck. Now Aubrey will definitely being getting called and asked to help for every move or project in the ward. Have fun with that! ;)
Thanks for the visual update! everyone looks great!!!
Your girls are adorable!!! They're so sweet.
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