~The Barkers~

Aubrey, Marci, Leila, Lexi, & Liz

Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter was a lot of fun this year. I had planned to find an Easter egg hunt for Leila. I didn't find any around Ogden but I didn't look that hard either. We ended up going to the Wheeler Farm in Salt Lake City. There were supposed to be hunts every hour from 10:30 to 3:30 but when we got there at 12:30 they said they were out of eggs! What! Seriously?! Well anyway we looked around at the animals and Leila really enjoyed that. I got some good footage too so I am happy. We drove down and listened to conference in the car. It's so much easier than chasing Leila around while trying to listen. So on the way home we decided to stop at the DI in Murray, who knows what you'll find. Well we got a steal on this new desk for Aubrey. It's not what he ultimately wants but it was definitely a step up. Luckily they held it for us to pick up the following Monday morning since we had no way of getting it home then. So we listened to more of conference in the car and finished at home. Aubrey got ready to go to the session with my dad and brothers and I headed to Karlee's for crafts (dying eggs). But the fun part of the night was watching Trevor and Carlee open their wedding gifts. I miss opening lots of gifts. Can't wait till we have a little baby boy! Anyway it was fun and their wedding cake was real good.

Sunday was the best. Conference was so good but I do have to say I hate when they talk about people dying. I know it has a purpose but my pregnancy emotions are a little (a lot) more ready to be used. So we went to my parents house and had the best meal I've had in a long time. Cheesy potatoes, ham, green beans, and rolls. I ate a ton. We then headed over to Aubrey's parents to watch the second session. After that I decided I wanted to find some home videos of my hubby. I'm really glad that his family took the time to make them. We all had fun watching and Aubrey liked seeing the videos after a long time. I was surprised at how much the boys went naked. Aubrey's mom said she didn't care that her boys did that. I saw each boy pee at least once. It was funny but again I was surprised.

So here are some pictures. I started this post forever ago but now it's here. Sorry!

She definitely did better with him than with Santa. I'd have to say this bunny is MUCH more scary.

This is Leila's Easter dress. Designer: Aubrey

This is the desk we found. It was marked at $85.00 but we got it for only $60.00. Sweet! Aubrey has cleaned it up a bit and fixed some scratches. Love the DI!

I had to post this picture for mine and Leila's buddies. This is the usual playdate crew but we're always looking for more kids around the same age to come. Don't know why the girls have black/blue eyes. No abuse (from the parents) goes on at these playdates. My guess the child with no "bruises" on the very right caused the damage. jk. I won't put names but the ages currently run from 12 to 19 months.

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