~The Barkers~

Aubrey, Marci, Leila, Lexi, & Liz

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and had a Dr appointment today. I was surprised to find that I am almost dilated to a 2 and being 50% effaced. With Leila I had to be induced and nothing happened until a whole 8 days after my due date. I feel like this baby will come later but knowing that my body has started the process makes me think otherwise. So I guess we'll see what happens in the near future. I definitely nested today by getting Leila an actual toddler bed and turning the crib back into a crib, put the bassinet by our bed, unpacked the size 1 diapers, rounded up all my nursing supplies, got rid of some toys, and started getting the H bag together. I still need a dresser for the baby not to mention we need to finally decide on a NAME!!!! I wish I knew what it was going to be. I need to start her journal! Well I'll keep you updated and wish me luck!

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