~The Barkers~

Aubrey, Marci, Leila, Lexi, & Liz

Friday, March 5, 2010

Years ago....

I saw this post on someone's blog so I decided to do it for myself. Feel free to add it to your blog. It was fun to do and I added some pictures to go along with it.

20 years ago. . .

1. I was almost 1 year old.
2. I was thinking about drawing on my face with a permanent marker.
3. I joined a family of 5 siblings.

10 years ago. . .
1. I wanted to be a singer.
2. I shared a room with Roxy and Karlee.
3. I visited Idaho.

5 years ago. . .
1. I threw parties for my friends.
2. I planned on a mission if I didn’t get married before then.
3. I got a drivers license and a car.

3 Years ago. . .
1. Went to CA for Cheer Nationals.
2. I got engaged.
3. Graduated high school.

1 Year ago. . .
1. I started working on my bachelor’s degree.
2. I got certified to teach aerobics.
3. Aubrey and I bought a house.

So far this year. . .
1. We got a dog and gave him away.
2. We’ve found out we’re having another girl.
3. I’ve gained 15 pounds.

Yesterday I. . .
1. Taught step at Blue.
2. Cleaned the bathroom.
3. Watched The Office.

Today I. . .
1. Went to Exercise Physiology.
2. Went shopping with Aubrey.
3. Attended a baby shower.

In the next year I'll. . .
1. Be having a baby!
2. Be 21!
3. Return to my pre-pregnancy weight.


AmyPoll said...

Marci...the five years ago one made me laugh...that talk of a mission and sweetie, you will be married with two kids by the time you could even GO on a mission!!!

Kris said...

that is fun, I might do this.
Hey, for other families blogs look on my blog list. There are a few. Joe has two on there. Average Joe. and Top 10 list.

Sara Waldron said...

Cute post. What a fun idea.

Shay said...

I had no idea we were the same age!!! I always feel so young when people find out I already have a kid and I'm about to have a second. LOL!